Michiel Schaeffer is an adjunct professor at the MPP program at UIII. He holds a Ph.D. in Dynamic Meteorology, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. He holds the position of Chief Scientist in Research and Innovations team at Global Center on Adaptation in the Netherlands. In this role, he utilizes his highlevel scientific skills to provide guidance and capacity building to both developing and developed countries, as well as the international climate policy community. Michiel’s expertise lies in dynamic meteorology, with a specialization in the intricate interactions between the atmosphere, ocean, ecosystems, and society. His scientific publication record spans the full range of climate-related disciplines from core climate science to impact, adaptation, and mitigation. He also has published numerous peer-reviewed publications in various prestigious outlets such as Nature, Science, Nature Climate Change, PNAS, GRL, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Climatic Change, Journal of Climatology, Climate Dynamics, and Regional Environmental Change.