Sirojuddin Arif, Ph.D., wrote an article on Phenomenal World titled “llliberal Developmentalism” on April 25, 2024.Read HereRelated PostsLecturer ActivitiesFebruary 25, 2025Dr. Nia Deliana Explores Human Rights in the Geography of the EastLecturer ActivitiesOctober 24, 2024Moch Faisal Karim, Ph.D., published an article titled The Jakarta Post “Prabowo global gambit: The Role of his Foreign Ministry Team”Lecturer ActivitiesOctober 24, 2024Prof. Komaruddin Hidayat, our Political Science Lecturer, published a book entitled “Theology of Hope,” Brownbag #47 with Quinton Temby Thesis Progress Presentation by MA in Poli Sci 2022