Lecturer Publications Generic selectors Exact matches only Search in title Search in content Post Type Selectors Achieving global biodiversity targets requires shifting food and land use system trajectoriesOctober 21, 2024Sonny MumbunanLecturer JournalRead MoreAdapting East and Southern Africa’s livestock to climate change: a decision making under deep uncertainty-based approach for effective actionsOctober 12, 2024Prof. Michiel SchaefferLecturer JournalRead MoreStrengthening as Well As Weakening: The Contradicting Roles of Islam in Indonesian DemocracyApril 30, 2024Lecturer JournalDjayadi HananRead MoreDoes decentralisation promote learning? Local political settlements and education policies in IndonesiaApril 25, 2024Sirojuddin ArifLecturer JournalRead MoreAssessing the China Threat: Perspectives of University Students in Jakarta on the South China Sea Dispute and the Belt and Road InitiativeApril 13, 2024Moch. Faisal KarimLecturer JournalRead MoreThe Intersection between Islamic Populism and Radicalism in Indonesia: The Rise and Fall of Aksi Bela Islam MovementJanuary 8, 2024Lecturer JournalA'an SuryanaRead MoreInformality, Paradiplomacy, and Cross-Border Cooperation: The Development of Tourism on Bintan Island, IndonesiaJanuary 4, 2024Lecturer JournalMoch. Faisal KarimRead More