Indonesia’s Sustainable Green Economy Policy in the Energy Sector: Challenges and Expectations
Journal Publishing Author: Ahmad Sabirin [read here]
Tunisian Democracy at a Crossroads: A Comparative Analysis of Beji Caid Essebsi and Kais Saied Regimes
Journal Publishing Author: Nizar Lukman [read here]
Religious Moderation in the Presiden Joko Widodo Administration: Tools for Religious Harmony or Politics?
Journal Publishing Author: Izzul Fatchu Reza [read here]
Social Media and the Reshaping of Religious Identity in Youth
Journal Publishing Author: Saemah Shamim [read here]
Encouraging Islamic Hospitality with Indigenization in Indonesia and Malaysia
Journal Publishing Author: Ronaa Nisa'us Sholikhah [read here]
Ideological Parameters for Deradicalization Programs to Measure Changes in Terrorist Ideology in Indonesia
Journal Publishing Author: Yudi Zulfahri and Aldi Nur Fadil Auliya [read here]
Communication as a tool for biodiversity conservation: case of Ebo Forest, Cameroon
Journal Publishing Author: Serge Silatsa Nanda [read here]
The Status of Women under the Taliban Ruling: A Comparative Research in Two Different Periods (1996-2001) to (2021- up to date)
Journal Publishing Author: Qudrat Mirzayi [read here]
Counterterrorism in Syria and Iraq: The Issue of ISIS Captives in Detention. Lessons from the Algerian Experience
Journal Publishing Author: Nouha Khelfa [read here]