Research Spotlight
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- Saemah Shamim
- Farish A. Noor
- A'an Suryana
- Ronaa Nisa'us Sholikhah
- Yudi Zulfahri and Aldi Nur Fadil Auliya
- Ja'far Muhammad
- Djayadi Hanan
- Sirojuddin Arif
- Izzul Fatchu Reza
- Nizar Lukman
- Moch. Faisal Karim
- Qudrat Mirzayi
- Serge Silatsa Nanda
- Sonny Mumbunan
- Lecturer Journal
- Prof. Michiel Schaeffer
- Nouha Khelfa
- Student Journal
- Ahmad Sabirin
Indonesia’s Sustainable Green Economy Policy in the Energy Sector: Challenges and Expectations
Journal Publishing Author: Ahmad Sabirin [read here]
Achieving global biodiversity targets requires shifting food and land use system trajectories
Sonny Mumbunan, Ph.D., took part in writing the paper developed by the FABLE Consortium. [read here]
Adapting East and Southern Africa’s livestock to climate change: a decision making under deep uncertainty-based approach for effective actions
Journal Publishing Author: Prof. Michiel Schaeffer [read here]
Tunisian Democracy at a Crossroads: A Comparative Analysis of Beji Caid Essebsi and Kais Saied Regimes
Journal Publishing Author: Nizar Lukman [read here]
Religious Moderation in the Presiden Joko Widodo Administration: Tools for Religious Harmony or Politics?
Journal Publishing Author: Izzul Fatchu Reza [read here]
Social Media and the Reshaping of Religious Identity in Youth
Journal Publishing Author: Saemah Shamim [read here]
Strengthening as Well As Weakening: The Contradicting Roles of Islam in Indonesian Democracy
Journal Publishing Author: Djayadi Hanan, Ph.D [read here]
Quo Vadis Loss and Damage Fund After Cop28?
Journal Publishing Author: Ahmad Sabirin [read here]
Does decentralisation promote learning? Local political settlements and education policies in Indonesia
Journal Publishing Author: Sirojuddin Arif, Ph.D [read here]
Assessing the China Threat: Perspectives of University Students in Jakarta on the South China Sea Dispute and the Belt and Road Initiative
Journal Publishing Author: Moch. Faisal Karim [read here]