International system and world politics in the Global South is believed to be dominantly based on western experiences. To some or larger extent, effort to provide alternatives on the table is as old as the history which constantly renewed in definition, forms, and role which always triggered by emerging global uncertainties. Ayşe Zarakol (2022) perceives that the “distorted understanding on the global order” allows the unequal political and economic hegemony between the great power and further alienate the influence of small and middle power. Similarly, Amitav Acharya (2019) conceptualizes and theorizes political structure of the civilizational interactions as the umbrella to project a more inclusive, diverse, equal and universal systems of the world orders that support Manjeed S Pardesi’s (2022) ideas that the ‘open’ characteristic of the multi-world orders in the Global South had efficiently ‘decentred hegemony’ of the ‘centric world order system’, thus contributed to sustain the global peace. This symposium focuses on the recollection of geopolitical interactions between civilizations of the Global South. It relies on interdisciplinary approaches that examines how the Global South as the alternative to create multi-world orders would contribute to global peace. We explore the process on how hegemonic civilizations played its role and why it transformed international system throughout the periods. It investigates to what extent the Global South’s trans-oceanic imperial sovereignty remains as the power structure within the international political systems.
We call for scholar to not only to contribute in discussion surrounding the geopolitical links between the Global South countries but also engage to redefine, reconceptualize and re-theorize the multi-world orders and position in international relations. We would like to precisely know What Global South Power is in international relations (IR). What was the role and contribution played by the Global South in IR world order and how did it transform? Why and to what extent is Global South’s role in IR an alternative to reach a more universal world order?

Selected papers cover the themes as follow:
1. Hegemonic Civilizations and Theories
2. Racial diplomacy, imperialism, and epistemology
3. Non-State actors and international political economy
4. Women, gender, and geo-politics
5. Strategic rivalry among the Global South
6. Diplomacy and foreign policy of non-Great powers
7. Power relations in maritime Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean
Submission guidelines and due dates
We call for scholars, PhD candidates and Master students to submit an abstract (250 words maximum) and a brief biography of author by Friday, 15th April 2023. A status information whether presenters would be able to attend virtually or in person should be included.
Selected abstract will be notified by the end of April 2023. Presenters are required to submit a full draft of paper (5000-6000 words) by 31st May 2023. Selected papers are to be published in Journal of Muslim Politics Review. The symposium will accommodate both in-person and online participation, as needed. A limited travel grant and accommodation will be provided. Please indicate in the abstract submission if you require funding support.
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* you need to setup a free Easy Chair account to submit abstract

If you have further questions, email Dr. Nia Deliana at or contact +62 857-7011-2093 (Syahrul)